Maico Lid Stig Karlsson 1/2

From: Stig Karlsson [turbostig@xxxxxx.xxx]
Sent: zaterdag 19 februari 2011 18:54
To: piet. [trompenaars@xxxxxxx.xxx]
Subject: New member
Hi Piet.!
How can I be an member to your Maico club?
Stig Karlsson Sweden owner of an Maico Sport
Six Days 1955.
Cheers, Stig


Hi Stig,

Great to hear that there are Maico's in Sweden.

Tell me more! Pictures?

Welcome to the club.

Cheers, Piet.


Hi Piet!
I bay my first Maico 250 S 1955, an sixdays works bike for 56 years ago and ride it  for two years and then trade it
to an AJS Competision,but on the Maico i have my first fun experiens of motorcycling.                                                


                                                                                                                                  Naar  volledige mail-berichten

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